Green Mountain Estates is one of the nearest neighborhoods to our place. It’s a very small, warm, & close-knit community on the slope of Green Mountain.
There are about 1,000 residential homes in the area (known as Green Mountainside) that lies between Cedar Drive, Alameda Parkway, Alkire Street and Hayden Park. It also has a sizeable network of trails, schools and parks as well as a very active community group.
Many people come to visit Mount Hayden and it’s well-known for it’s natural beauty. It was originally purchased by William Frederick Hayden, but he wasn’t the original owner.
Major Downing was released from the military and went to Denver, where he helped to develop the city. One of his most important contributions was creating City Park. In addition, he donated money for the Colfax Ave streetcar project and bought a clubhouse in.
He also traveled to what would become Lakewood, where he bought 2,000 acres of undeveloped land. He completely transformed Downingdale into a gorgeous showplace. Now it has everything, including a ranch, Hereford cattle, and even an Arabian horse track! Downing passed away in 1907.
In 1933 Thomas S. Hayden Realty bought 7,000 acres of land from Downingdale and called it Green Mountain Estates. They also expanded it in 1938 to hold a total of 10,500 acres. And the boundaries of that property remains the same as they were in 1937-1938 when Green Mountain Estates was first established.
The National Guard also leased some of the land. They used it for artillery practice and shot rounds from a rifle range and training facility into that area.
The first homes in this area were built in the 1960s. The GMCA records the first resident moving in in 1964, with others swiftly following suit. At that time, the neighborhood was split up into two subdivisions – to the South was Green Mountain Estates and to the North, Wexford Village”.
The Hayden family donated 500 acres of land to the city in 1972, which is now William Frederick Hayden Park. Named after the owner of the property at the time.
Read more: Southern Gables Neighborhood in Lakewood CO
Developers often buy land and develop it. Developers want to make a profit, so they build upon what’s already there. Workers were given a promise that much of the land would remain open, but developers still had more plans for expansion.
As the neighborhood expanded, its residents weren’t happy about the mountain being torn down to make room for more and more homes. The 1970s saw many residents take to protesting and as a result, many human walls were created to stop construction crews from going any further.
The founders of the Green Mountain Estates Neighborhood Association, which was founded in 1981, signed a six-year land-use agreement with Kelly Corporation in 1988. One of their goals is to work together with the corporation to create a tidy park for all members of the community. Once a week, they would gather together and clean up the park.
Today, the expansive, 2,400-acre William F. Hayden Park is the second biggest in Lakewood. It features nearly 20 miles of multi-use trails that you can take to enjoy views of metro Denver and other surrounding areas. The height at which you’ll find yourself ranges from 6,800 feet to over 7,000!
The mountain is home to a diverse range of wildlife & blossoms and is among the most popular destinations for outdoor fans in the area.