Kendrick Lake is a neighborhood in Lakewood, with 10,133 people living there following the latest census. The gender distribution is 51% male & 49% female, with a median age of 42 years.
16% of Kendrick Lake is occupied by families with kids. 26% are single-female family homes, 25% are single-male family homes, and 48% are couples. In Kendrick Lake the average household size is 2.37 and the average family size is 3.01.
The median household income for Kendrick Lake, Lakewood residents is $74,447. For individuals it’s $40,692.
About 94% residents have finished school. 25% of them have completed some form of college, but no degree. 8% they have an associate degree.
There are a lot of different homes for sale in Kendrick Lake, from single family houses to condos. The median home price is $519,698.
Who lives in Kendrick Lake?
Kendrick Lake has a population of 10033 with 51% males & 49% females, with the median age being 42. 52% of the people who live here are families and 26% of them are single-female families, 25% are single-male families, and 48%.
The average household size in Kendrick Lake is 2.37 people and the typical family size is 3.01 people.
Some highlights about Kendrick Lake
The nearest airport is Denver International Airport.
Read more: Green Mountainside Neighborhood in Lakewood CO
Public Elementary Schools
Dennison Elementary School ( 28 in metro), Jefferson Academy Elementary School ( 169 in state), Jefferson Academy ( 230 in state) are among 4 public elementary schools with A+/A/A- ratings.
Public Middle Schools
The Cornell Academy in metro Denver is one of few public middle schools in the district that have a “B+” or higher rating.
Public High Schools
There are three high schools in the city of D’Evelyn: D’Evelyn Jr/Sr High School (3), Jefferson Academy High School (48), and Collegiate Academy of Colorado (36). All three public high schools have a B+ average or higher on public review websites.